Introverted Expat E-Book


E-Book on how to move to England, including tips and tricks for navigating life as an introverted expat.

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Interested in moving to England but you’re an introvert? I know exactly how that feels. Introverted Expat – An Introvert’s Guide to Moving to England is an e-book that is easy to read with tips and tricks on how to move abroad, even if you’re an expat.

As a Canadian living in England for over 4 years, I wanted to share my experiences – the good and the bad. Living abroad doesn’t have to be a dream, even if you are an anxious introvert like me.

Please note: I’m definitely not an immigration lawyer! Please take my experiences as they are and contact a professional if you need immigration advice.

1 review for Introverted Expat E-Book

  1. Lee Clarke

    I’m a supporter on Patreon, so I thought I’d look this over, as I’ve also written books.

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